What’s the difference between privacy and security?

Security is all about who can access your data.

Privacy is about what people can do with the data they do have access to.

Because personal data is handled and stored by D2R-Collect SaaS application, we want you to know that we hold your data in as high or higher regard than you do. We continuously repeat that the Data is always yours; we manage it on your behalf, while the ownership of the data remains firmly assigned to the Agency (or Corporation).

D2R-collect privacy policy

D2R-Collect cares how information about you is used and shared, and we acknowledge your expectation that we will do so with care. We take every reasonable precaution necessary to protect the privacy of our customer’s personal information and our customer’s customers (Debtors), while providing you with the quality of service you expect.

Our privacy practices are in accordance with all Federal and Provincial laws and regulations. We are compliant with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

We make sure that using accurate and detailed information about our customers and their Customers (Debtors) is necessary to provide you with the best on line user experience. We do not sell nor share this information to anyone.

Remember that privacy and security is also your responsibility. Do not share your login information with unauthorized people. Change your password if you think someone has unauthorized access to your account. And make sure you change the user password when people leave your company. This includes the access that you provide to your clients and goes without say when they severance their relationship with you the Agency.

D2R-Collect’s team treats clients’ data from points of accessibility, security, and privacy with the greatest of care and due diligence that our clients expect.

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