Demo Agency Site

Click on the image below to go to the Demo Collection Agency website. This is only a Sample Collection Agency site to demonstrate how a Debt Collection Agency can add links to their website and have their customers use D2R system transparent to the user.

d2r-collect-agency-demo-siteDrive more business to your Agency by signing up new customers or getting new debtor files added to your clients' accounts.

How about cutting down on the number of calls from your clients to answer status question?

Just provide your client with online access and limit the type, level and detail of the information that you want to show them.

Setup two links on your website:

  • One link on the Agency website to signup New Clients and drive in New Business
  • A second link for existing clients to add New Accounts (Files) in their portfolio or to check on existing accounts (Files) status




[click on the Demo image to go to the sample Agency web site]


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A.L. (Toronto based Collection Agency)
“Ever since we acquired D2R-Collect online system, we have cut down on the number of calls and time required to give our clients feedback. Our clients are happier and empowered to access their files and add new Debtor files online from their office.”
Z.B. (Concord based Collection Agency)
“We were searching for a software that was simple to use and learn, answers all our needs and be cost effective. A web based software was not on the list until we tried D2R-Collect. We have made great savings in streamlining processes, with great calendar scheduling, follow up tools, customizing letters, tracking Debtors' phones, addresses and Notes and simple financial management tools”