There is a common misconception that debt collection strictly occurs in traditional office settings.  However, as time progresses and viruses such as COVID-19 spread across the globe, more and more people will be working from home.  With the right hardware and software, it is possible to collect debts from home.

The Tools Necessary for Home Debt Collection

There is no need to invest tens of thousands of dollars in computer hardware, software and networking equipment to collect debts from home.  As long as you have a phone/headset, a computer and the right debt collection software, you can collect debts from home.  In fact, today’s debt collection software makers provide everything you could possibly need to collect debts of every variety in a truly efficient and compliant manner.  The latest debt collection software is loaded with myriad features including but not limited to:

  • Automated phone calls
  • Automated message transmission
  • Phone call recording capabilities
  • Payment tabulation

As an example, D2R-Collect provides an intuitive cloud-based interface for an affordable price.  D2R-Collect is designed by a team of debt collection experts. Invest a little bit of time learning this debt collections software and your collections efforts will be automated in accordance with your unique needs as well as the nuances of the law.

Test out the demo of D2R-Collect to get a sense of how it facilitates at-home debt collection and you will have a better idea of whether you are ready to make a commitment in the form of a purchase.

Tips for At-home Debt Collection

Home debt collectors with speedy internet service will maximize the efficiency and functionality of their debt collection software. It is also prudent to use a VPN to safeguard data as it is transmitted from your location.  All computing devices used for debt collections should encrypt data so it cannot be deciphered if stolen or lost. If you supervise debt collectors from home, be sure to use cloud-based debt collection software so you can remotely listen to and properly monitor those collectors’ calls in real-time.

Embrace the Transition to Debt Collection From Home

It is quite possible the majority of the American workforce will work from home in the years following the coronavirus pandemic.  As InsideARM reports, numerous states have eased up on the licensing requirements for debt collectors to work from home amidst the coronavirus outbreak.  This trend is likely to continue into the future.  Though at-home debt collectors must register their address with the appropriate state regulators as a “branch office”, some states are now waiving this requirement.

The moral of this story is the mantra of “out with the old and in with the new” rings quite true in the debt collections industry. The transition to debt collection work from home ultimately reduces business overhead costs, improves collector morale and ensures work can be done even amidst government-mandated stay-at-home orders

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